Over the past several decades, research in hospitality tourism often pursued maximizing corporate financial performance and shareholders' wealth as the desired research outcomes. Unfortunately, in this process, shareholders' welfare and community advancement were rarely considered despite their great relevance to the success of hospitality and tourism organizations. Thus, the proposed special issue is designed to address this research gap on public policy issues and their interdependent relationship with hospitality tourism. Nobel Laureate George Akerlof (2001) said," Our marginal products are not ours alone," indicating that business products and profits are the results of our collective efforts. Balancing shareholders' wealth maximization and stakeholders' (community) welfare is critical for advancing this field.
This special issue on Public Policy Research and Hospitality-Tourism encourages an open conversation and investigation regarding the often-ignored role of public policy and public resource utilization and financial success of hospitality firms. This special issue invites conceptual papers advancing theory development, original research manuscripts with qualitative or quantitative methods, econometric models, social media data analysis, experimental research, secondary data analysis, case research manuscripts, media citation analyses, GIS and organizational performance, and manuscripts based on valid academic research methods.